Forex Affiliate Programs - Setting Your Site Up Right the First Time

If you have decided to market a forex affiliate program online there are a few considerations that you should examine prior to setting up your marketing plan. By taking a few steps in the beginning you can avoid some common pitfalls that can come back to haunt you later. When beginning to market a forex affiliate program offering, care must be taken to identify and target your prospects properly. Let me explain. As with any product or service the various forex affiliate products fall into separate niche categories under the broad category of "Forex". While you certainly could set out to target your customers with such a wide term it is not the best approach. Forex affiliate programs offer many products geared for different audiences within the larger forex group. A person looking for how to get started in forex may not be looking for a forex robot. By taking a few steps in the beginning you can get set up to target these sub groups effectively. Targeting sub groups is very powerful with social media marketing methods. Starting out too broad makes it difficult to get your message out in a "bookmark" friendly way. Before you create your web presence you should first look at the affiliate products you have available and break them down into the sub categories that they fall under. In this way you can set up your web site or sites accordingly. This is important for getting free search engine traffic over the long haul. It will also come into play if you plan on using Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing and social media. By separating your offers according to these sub groups you can better compete for the different search terms and keywords your prospects will be using to find you. While PPC marketing is great I believe that it is wise to also set up your site with proper SEO fundamentals in place so that your free traffic will continue to increase over time. I like free traffic! Here are two approaches that are common in affiliate marketing. One approach is a sub niche authority site optimized around a small group of related products. Another approach are mini-sites devoted to each product. When I say sub niche here I am referring to a niche under the broad term "forex" such as "forex brokers" or "forex robots". When setting up the "authority" style site, care must be taken to select a domain name containing the sub category keyword. Then your different products can be set up under that in directories or blog categories containing the main product keyword in the title. Sub-sub categories if you will. This allows you a lot of flexibility to add or remove products without having to rework your entire site when you want to try something new. One very popular and successful example is "Review" sites. A site owner can review and promote several products under one sub niche optimized domain. The mini-sites approach is very straight forward with domain names and site titles reflecting the main keyword for your product. This works well but will cost you a little more for domain names and also extra time with SEO. The mini-site is very good for PPC marketing. Of course this is just a basic guide for setting your site up for SEO and social media. There is a lot more that needs to be done but setting your site up in the beginning with SEO in mind will make the task much simpler. There are some very good resources for you to learn SEO and social media marketing online and it is not that hard if you put in the study time. 

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